Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Memoirs of the ol' 125

When I first heard about the course, Introduction to the Interner, I thought "What can we possibly not know about the Internets? WE are the Internet generation."

My initial arrogant mindset towards this course was changed to puzzlement and curiosity as I started to "see the light" of the wonders that the Internet brings us. There is so much more to it than meets the eye.

The world wide web has been so incorporated into our own lives that some of us are absolutely inseparable to it. We practically can do anything virtually online, and everything has been covered: like e-Commerce, e-Learning and even e-Counselling. I won't be surprised if I don't recognize what a 'computer' has turned into in the next 50 years or so (if i'm still alive...).

I would like to thank our beloved Mr. Abel Choy for making our otherwise mundane course so refreshing and energizing. His use of videos, examples and illustrations, including a handful of jokes every now and then, has made coming to class more bearable and exciting.



Coming Soon: Preview of the future

Over the last semester, we have all been learning and discussing what the Internet has in store for us now.
But what about the future?
The future of the internet may not be written in the stars, but from the technology and station that we are at now with the World Wide Web, we can sort of predict the anticipated development of the Web.

According to an article entitled 10 Future Web Trends by Richard MacManus, there are 10 aspects of Internet usage that we should look out for in the next 10 years:

1. Semantic Web:
With millions and trillions of information being avaible and constantly updated on the internet, it builds up the Internet's database of facts about life and everything else that comes with it.

2. Artificial Intelligence:
We are empowering our own machines in making them just like us; giving them a mind of its own to carry out tasks just like how we do--or better, faster, stronger and harder.

3. Virtual Worlds:
Making our lives more digital than it already is--at the forefront of this revolution is Second Life, which has everything we do in real life, except oxygen. Google Earth is also playing up in the virtual context: mapping out the world and the stars and the planets accurately and proportionally.

4. Mobile:
Yes, we all know that the Internet is going mobile--probably the best thing that has happened so far in this century (apart from President Obama, that is). Information is literally accessible at our fingetips! Nokia, HTC, Sony Ericcson, LG and iPhones are making life so convenient and complete for us all. However, in order for this to happen, Wi-Fi and routers should be available wherever we are..which may pose a problem for some societies--especially during this economic crisis.

5. Attention Economy:
Subscribing to RSS feeds to whatever we are interested will change how we do business and see the world. News is instantaneously updated to bring us the freshest, live & kicking, data that we need.

6. Web Sites as Web Services:
Now we have web sites>>tomorrow, we have web services! With scrapers and mashups converging the sites into a contingent whole, we can find all the information and service that we need in one complete source.

7. Online Video/ Internet TV:
Online streaming has become very popular, especially in this YouTube generation. People like to be entertained at work, school, on the bus or on the sea. Movie-goers don't need to go pay ten dollars to go watch a film anymore, forget the cinema--there's streaming movies online! But as all this hype may seem fine and dandy, copyright and piracy issues may come into the loop...

8. Rich Internet Apps:
RIA's are taking over the world moving into "a level playing field where video, sound, images, animations, and full interactivity with your computer are all standardized" (from Adobe's AIR platform is one, and so is Ajax, though experts say that they might not last for long...

9. International Web:
Since the beginning of the Internet revolution, the United States has claimed the name to developing the most popular websites. It is true that America is the trendsetter and leading country in global media, but eventually, other countries like the United Kingdom, Australia and even possibly Singapore (possibly, but don't count on it) will catch up, making the world more international.

10. Personalization:
Search engines and all that will be able to predict our preferences and interests whenever we do anything such as THINK about a certain topic. Google is obviously the King of Websearch, boasting their Adsense and Adwords even in our Gmail accounts. Nowadays, humans don't need to think anymore...

It is so inspiring to see that the Internet is becoming greater and better than we could ever have imagined to be in the beginning of computers...

On the other hand, I'm convinced that, if we aren't careful, computers are going to rule the planet, and robots will rock the world.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Power to the People

Traditional journalism in newspapers, magazines and tabloids were a main source of information for everyone (apart from television and radio). They were the only places that society could be in touch with the goings-on in the world around them.

This was when THE INTERNET took over.

Not only did news channels and famous newspapers (for example the the New York Times and The Daily Telegraph) create their own websites for easy access online, but so did other people--and they arent even journalists.

Who am I talking aboot? The People. From the news reports that they hear on the TV or the radio, or newsletters, magazines, etc. they have heard the "officials" say of a matter, and they may have something to add of their own. Knowing that they'll be turned down or ignored by the editors of the papers, or be dismissed or flicked away by the press, people started to report the news in their own light--their own understanding.
Thus ignited the revolution of CITIZEN JOURNALISM.

Where can i find these intriguing creatures and their reports?
Right here. In Blogspot or Livejournal or even Twitter. They scourage for information for anything that they can find to comment on or diss, and re-write the whole story in their own words. Bloggers are most famous for expressing their opinions on all kinds of issues--including what kinds of eyedrops (steroid/non-prescription) people should use and why.

In all, Citizen Journalism can make everyone their own reporter. I encourage this form of journalism as it gives people a chance to show off their ideas; they may even bring out a new point where the major newspapers and magazines may have overlooked... After all, freedom of speech needs to be practiced in order to truly be a democratic nation.

On the other hand, these so-called "journalists" should not expect their work to be treated as important or more worthy of attention than articles you see in newspapers. It is not their official profession to publish any of their material, and creating expectations to enhance their own self-esteem in the reports they give will not benefit themselves or others in any way--unless they are just gratified to know that they've done their part in expressing their say.

So. Where do you get your information from?

Anyhoo. Want to be a citizen journalist? Here's an instructional video on how to be become one:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Politics Shmolitics

With the internet being the newest media as a social resource, it's no surprise that POLITICS have been introduced on the web.

News channels such as MSNBC, CNN, BBC, and ESPN have set up an online database for up-to-date headlines and news stories.

This made updates on the latest happenings much more convenient and accessible for everyone; whether they are at home, at the office, on the go (with the help of hand-held devices like PDA phones).

Also, the BIGGEST, newest, hottest topic of discussion for everyone to catch is the OBAMA Fever.

Yes, the newest US president to join the Hall of Fame as the first ever Black President of the United States has gained popularity with mesmerizing motivational speeches, humanitarian charm, and a matching grin heralding the words "YES, WE CAN CHANGE" has left the world with an ogling obsession over this new-age saint. The astounding support for Barack Obama has launched him to celebrity status, and you don't need to be an American to know what's going on with this president.

Barack Obama's official (go check it out!)--reports recent news on the goings-on of his presidential agenda, press conferences and addresses. Now we are all informed of every step and movement of which direction the winds of politics blows.
However, this may not be necessarily an advantage...

In early January (before his swearing-in as president), the world watched on global news networks--on the TV as well as on the internet--as the President visited his ailing grandmother in Honolulu, and when Obama family romped happily on the beaches of Kailua.

Article on his visit to his grandmother whom Barack calls "Toot":,8599,1853792,00.html

The Obamas in Kailua:

Right, now everyone who's anyone knows that the newest American President has a sexy six-pack and a hot bod. Phew, at least he doesn't have a pot-belly like the rest of his predecessors (maybe except JFK, another celebrity president--there should be a correlation between popular presidents and fitness). People tend to forget WHY they voted him in the first place. Although Barack Obama is undeniably charismatic and make the ladies go red and breathless, the American democratic population voted him as president because they saw hope and a chance to rely on him to change their lives and re-build America. I bet if the rest of the world would vote Obama if they were ever given the chance--I certainly would.

Here is a video of Obama's concession speech during the New Hampshire primary remixed into a song by Will.I.Am. with guest appearances. This music video was honored the first-ever Emmy Award for Best New Approaches in Daytime Entertainment:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Multi-faceted Diamond

Just look at it.
Isn't it beautiful?

Aesthetically, the HTC Touch Diamond is as flawless and outrageously mesmerizing as the mineral diamond. It includes 4 GB of internal storage, and uses TouchFlo 3D technology. Wi-fi is available using the Opera 9.5 internet browser which makes surfing much more convenient and far less impatient. The Diamond runs on a Microsoft OS, and comes with Microsoft Office and Windows Media Player. Picture browsing has never been so much fun as you flip through the images like a flip-book (as contacts or images). Excellent stuff.

Taiwan's HTC has done a good job in thier advertising campaign for the Diamond, rembering to boast its sleek and elegant body, and its full functionality as a professional business and entertainment phone.

And now, presenting the HTC Touch Diamond:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crime Scene: DO NOT CROSS

Huh. Seems like the Internet is our gift and our curse.

My last blog talked about the miracle of Google, and what it can offer, but there are also many disadvantages to having so much information available at your fingertips...
Just finished reading an article about how this 'worm' called "Trojan.Silentbanker" which stealthily downloads itselfs onto your hardrive, and steals all your bank account information when you do your transactions online. Cheeky-cheeky.

Even the dual password thing in Singapore is not immune to it! Just when we thought we got it all covered and safe.

Here is le article:
Seems like nothing can be trusted anymore, and we all need to watch our backs. The best thing to do right now is to update our anti-virus software REGULARLY, and make backups, backups, backups!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Heart Google

Best search engine in the history of the Internets?
There can be only 1 answer: GOOGLE.

It has saved the lives of desperate students in search for answers and meaning to life; it has entertained the ignorant and procrastinating employees at work; but most importantly, it has brought Internet browsing to a whole new level.

Google is the God of all search engines that the World Wide Web has to offer. Not only does it allow searches based on percentage of relevancy on all websites, but furthermore, it offers other alternative searches for all kinds of information and formats:

1. Image search- displays searches of different formats of images/pictures/gifs, etc.

2. Google Maps- illustrates the roads and territories of countries and cities all over the world!

3. Google News- brings frequently updated important news coverage from all over. (Includes sports--essential stuff).

4. Google Video- much like YouTube, this video search engine offers video streaming that Google users can independently upload and share. Also like YouTube, viewers aren't allowed to download any of the content. A Google video player can be downloaded to a computer to conveniently watch the videos.

5. Gmail- Google mail which frequently upgrades its storage space to allow for larger files and lengthy emails to be saved without the account user having to frequently delete and clear their inboxes. Users of Gmail started off as an 'invite only' standard: people could only be 'invited' to obtain a Gmail account through a friend or acquaintance. With the ever-growing popularity of Google and Gmail, now almost everyone who has access to the Internet has a Gmail account. YEH.

6. Google Shopping- Shop online through Google! Search by category or price range. Very simple and easy to use, with great images for customers to see the products before they buy it.

7. Google Groups- Everyone wants to be a part of something--and now with Google Groups, everyone is making up their own clubs...about a certain hobby, interest, company, class (a.k.a. COM 125's Google Group created by our beloved Mr. Abel Choy), or even about themselves. Talk about narcisistic.

8. Google Books- much like a Google version of or Barnes&Noble, yes, of course google has to have their own online book reference center. Search for keywords that you want to find in a book, and it will automatically show it to you; be it the relevancy of the entire book, or just a single chapter or sentence in it. Innit?

9. Google Scholar- useful database for Graduates and Undergrads to find relevant secondary sources of information to use for their research, projects and assignments. Swim through oodles and oodles of dull-lookin boring, so-called, Scholarly journals and articles just to find that single reference to a desired topic. Excellent stuff, but might not quite reach up to Ebscohost's standards just yet...

10. Google Earth- This is probably one of the most advanced and enjoyable programs that Google has EVER come up with. Fly over the clouds and visit destinations that you've always wanted to visit, or see again. Periodically updated satellite images of Earth are shown to the viewer, and can even zoom up close enough to see single buildings or structures. Bored of our planet? Look to the skies--go stargazing through Google Earth, and don't forget to check your horoscope if you can even decipher what all the alignments are...Perfect for Subterranean homesick aliens--I like.

11. Blackle- The environmentally-friendly, energy-saving, hippie-like version of the Google web search engine that claims to save 1,095,896.547 Watt hours. Do your part; it's time to switch.

12. Elgoog- Google Mirror developed by a company called All Too Flat that was kind bored and severely confused. They decided to mirror the search results and words and everything they can think of and show it all in reverse. Use it only if you have time on your hands--or else everything looks like Finnish.

Google offers so many useful programs and search engines that make my life so much easier. I would like to give my sincere gratitude to the creator(s) of all these programs and software. Keep it up!
Hint: You guys should make a Google Recipe database for all the wannabe cooks out there.


And now, for the final act of the night, here is a video that I have created a couple of years back. It is a short slideshow of the Singapore Baha'i Summer School back in 2006.

Thank you very much! I'll be here 'til Thursday!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Digital classroom

When I was a kid, I went to school where the teachers used chalkboards and posters, crayons and paints, colorful shapes and blocks to illustrate the lesson. Despite the simple resources we had, my experience in kindergarten and primary school had been thoroughly enjoyable.

It was only during secondary school that my classmates and teachers began to use computers as a tool for learning. Soon, all of our research for projects and essays were conducted through encyclopedia software programs and the internets. During exam time, all the students went online to study.

Some of our teachers recommended websites and online texts to help us study for their subjects. One of these websites included a tutorial study guide with multiple choice practice quizzes, flash-animation flow charts and diagrams and other interactive stuff to help us understand the content.

This definitely made our lives (including the teachers') easier.

On the other hand, I really hope that people don't forget how to use a normal dictionary and encyclopedia--I must admit that I haven't borrowed a book from the library for over 6 years now...If people were to spend every living minute of their lives on the computer and electronic media, we would all become lethargic and obese. IF we were to exercise only our minds and not our body, the idea presented in the movie, Wall-E, might come true.

The convenience that computers and online information brings us is definitely an advantage to learning. However, we shouldn't be too dependent of it--there is a certain skill in utilizing the traditional classroom. Hopefully we won't lose it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

10 Ways to Prevent E-Commerce Failure

What's the easiest way of making money (without selling drugs)? E-commerce! Sure some people would stick to their lemonade stands or play their guitars on the side of street, but e-commerce has definitely revolutionized how organizations do their business, and created a new channel of connecting and sharing their products and services across borders.

If you don't do your research, and don't watch your step, things can go terribly wrong. Here are the top 10 reasons why companies MEGA-FAILED at e-commerce:

Gaining trust and assuring your customers that this isn't a gimmick or a scam to get your money or sell them Viagra is the first lesson to learn when you create your website. Make sure that the first impression you create won't make people return to the google search page and click on the next available website. The elements of your web page should look as professional and appealing to visitors as possible; if not, change or arrange your navigational structure, product presentation, proof of security and company mission statement and all that is adequately stated.

A good-lookin site invites good-lookin people and promotes a good-lookin business. As mentioned above, the first impression of the site once the page finishes loading should appeal to the site-visitors. This is the first real step to building support and trust. Ensure that you state the purpose of the site in clear and concise words so that customers won't get the wrong idea. Tell the lovely people who you are, and what you want to do for them. Help them out if they have any comments, questions or suggestions>>this is all part of customer service relations. Extremely important in any business. Reveal the site content in neat and unconfused formats (web design & layout organization). Use visual design to ENHANCE, not define, interaction design. This means that you shouldn't define your website, product or service by the way your website looks. Of course looks matter, but your company shouldn't be dependent on the prettiness of your color scheme (with exception of graphic design, fashion brands and other art-focused companies), layout and butterflies fluttering around the web window. The images you create should reflect the intentions of your company, and the needs of your customers.

If your webpage takes 90 million years to load, if you have too many pop-ups and prompters asking your customers for their personal information and how many pets they have, if you have too many pictures of every angle of the product, and if you don't inform them about the shipping and delivery costs beforehand, guess what? Your customers will be gone in a blink of an eye, leaving behind their loaded shopping carts. What to do? Apply the KISS rule: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Don't let all those unnecessary forms and obstacles get in their way, and of course, make sure they are not mistrusting of filling in their credit card information.

Have a plan to market your product or service. Keep in mind and plan your business based on who your target audiences are, how you can find them, what are their preferences and how you will seduce them to marry you/buy your product.

You don't need to run a company or be a business to know that this is one of the basic components of running a successful business. By building rapport between you and the good samaritans out there, you can persuade them to do anything you wish them to do--just like hynosis. Cater to their needs, understand their wants, take action on what can be changed, bat your eyes and give them your best smile--and they will be at your knees.

Some things can be sold on the internet, and some just won't get along with it very well...before you start your e-business, make sure that your e-products won't be too expensive to ship (such as heavy furniture and elephants), won't wither away or spoil during the shipment (flowers and cheese), won't break or be damaged during delivery (winebottles, glasses, mirrors), and of course, make sure your products ACTUALLY EXIST. Don't try to sell people ligers (half lion/half tigers) or any magical creatures or items from Harry Potter.

Hopefully at one point of your business, you will face a high demand for production with the increasing support of customers lining up at your doorstep. Just not ready for commitment? Feeling anxious about interacting with others? Well, you don't need a dating service or a psychiatrist to tell you how to reach out to others. With thousands of people visiting your page everyday, what you will need is to upgrade your bandwith and edit your plans for growth to accommodate your new followers and idolizers.

Another great way to destroy trust and loyalty from your customers is to promise to deliver something by a certain date, but it arrives 3 years later. Unfortunately, these people don't appreciate the effort of even sending the product, and they want it ON TIME. Clearly state on your site when exactly they would expect the package to arrive, and take extra measures to ensure that it does arrive on the day you agreed on>>We don't want that clown in the birthday cake to jump out gasping for air!

We all want to be special, we want to be RICH, we want to be FAMOUS for what we sell. Good luck if you have everything in the universe in stock; some people might have better deals or items than you. Just keep within your means and area of specialization. Keep it real. At the same time, keep your eyes out for competition, and market your deals appropriately to keep everyone happy.

Ok, so what if you have the best products and services, web layout and color scheme on the what if you have a grammy-winning theme song? "It don't impress me much." (Shania Twain, 1998). What you need to maintain the relationship between you and your buyers is SECURITY and a diamond ring. People want to feel safe when they order something from you, and if everything goes smoothly, you gain their trust and they will keep coming back for more.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The People Who Shape the Web: Editing the Facts

So who are the all-important people that build, create, mold and scrape away all the excess bits of junk on the internets?
>>US. (not as in the United States, but WE THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH).

How did this happen? Aren't the power-elite or an organized team of Bill Gates/Steve Jobs-type computer nerds in charge of our global source of information and internet-entertainment? (Where do you think World of Warcraft came from??)

Hmm. Let's see.
I guess that's what people DIDN'T want. It was believed that a magical internet dragon called Puffy or Tim O'Reilly (whichever you think sounds better, it's up to you) sparked a campaign unifying and giving control for all the global-villagers with access to the internets.
According to the magic dragon:

"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer
industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."

With these new-found magic powers and n00b-ish enthusiasm, the global-villagers got it on; realizing that they could use certain parts of their human body, called fingers, to type out words into their computers instead of using them for farming, flipping pages of books, dwarf-tossing, and other useful activities, they began what is known as The Revolution of Internet by:

1. Creating social-networking sites where they could make alliances with people they don't even know
2. Share videos and music online legally (their own home-made footage) and illegally (other people's work)
3. Changing and editing hard, factual information concluded by extensive back-breaking research which was accepted by professionals and scholars for centuries only to have it all replaced to suit their own beliefs on Wikipedia
4. Starting their own newspapers and journals on the web; discussing their own mundane interests and lifestyles (called blogging) where others can come and read and send love mail or hate mail to the writer (called commenting)
5. Making searches for information easier by tagging and keywording articles available on the web (this is one thing that was made respectably convenient)

"Wow," the villagers thought, "we finally have meaning to our lives! Thank you Mr. Puffy-slash-Tim O'Reilly! What should we do now?"

"Use your imagination--it's all UP TO YOU. That's why I gave you these powers. To finalize this turnover of power, you must go and capture the notorious Web 1.0 who has been static for years." The dragon replied, "Hunt it down and slice off its head thusly, and I shall reward thee 19 million points and lollipops for everyone!"

Henceforth, the global villagers took over the Internet, and made it a (slightly) more enjoyable experience for everyone.

They lived happily ever after, and went for ice-cream together every consecutive weekend.

Here's a video I found on the always-reliable YouTube on Web 2.0: (made with stop-motion)

Friday, January 16, 2009

World's Town

Hello bloggeurs of le web.

It seems funny that the students of COM 125 are REQUIRED to start their own blogs, when some have been blogging as a personal hobby for some time now.. (not me though). Huh.

Anyhoo, it isn't surprising that many of us (in this generation) are proficient with the internet and its different services and functions. As a child, I grew up playing games in the garden with my siblings, drawing, squashing bugs and running around like the hyperactive kid I was (or still am). However, by the time I was in primary school, computers started sprouting out from nowhere; research was no longer conducted in the school library--instead the INTERNET made projects easier to carry out, and every kid I knew had an e-mail, and was actively engaged in (the now old-skool) windows messenger. Wonder if people actually remember what an "encyclopedia" is anymore...

With this interconnected network of networks, our world is becoming increasingly smaller, and our social circle is getting gradually larger, and larger and LARGER.
The World Wide Web offers convenience to its users and allows people to interact in the comfort of their own vicinity; be it at home, at the office/school or even on the go with the augmented popularity of internet-enabled mobile phones. Through internet access, web monkeys can contact/interact others through:

1. E-mail (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, and whatnot)
2. Have live chat conversations with peers through Windows Messenger, ICQ or SKYPE
3. Join thousands of annoying social network websites, such as MySpace, Friendster, Hi5, and (the big momma of them all) FACEBOOK.
4. Watch videos and movies or listen to music online--FOR FREE (o rly? no wai!) @ YouTube, Veoh and Yahoo Launch.
5. Send viruses, hack accounts, steal money, view pornography (these are optional and unpreferred).

With the emergence of this great invention, we no longer need to make long-distance phone calls to friends and family, write lengthy and costly letters to people overseas, or go and visit someone to see how they are doing. The world is now digitalized, and as Marshall McLuhan famously mentioned, the world is becoming a "Global Village" with the advancement of public media.

In the words of former U.S. president, George "Dubbya" Bush: "...there's rumors on the INTERNETS".